
Showing posts from August, 2005

Tobias 700 - Melhor vídeo no CINESUL2005

12º Cinesul – Festival Latino-Americano de Cinema e Vídeo: Panorama Latino por: Tony Tramell - Confira os vencedores do Cinesul 2005 Melhor Filme da Crítica Especializada e Menção Honrosa Whisky Romeo Zulu , de Enrique Piñeyro, Argentina Melhor Vídeo do Júri Oficial Tobias 700- A História de Uma Ocupação , de Daniel A. Rubio, Brasil Melhor Filme do Júri Oficial Mala Leche , de León Errázuriz, Chile Melhor Documentário Latino-Americano 500 Almas , de Joel Pizzini, Brasil Menção Especial: Punto y Raia , de E...

Tobias 700 na Mostra Bresil en Mouvements - Paris

« BRESIL EN MOUVEMENTS » Vingt-cinq documentaires et des débats pour les droits de l’Homme, les droits sociaux et environnementaux au Brésil Du 4 au 10 juillet 2005 Confluences - Maison des Arts Urbains 190, Bd de Charonne - 75020 Paris M° Alexandre Dumas (ligne 2) Entrée libre Réservation conseillée : 01 40 24 16 46 ---------------------------- Dans le cadre de « Brésil, Brésils », l’année du Brésil en France , l’association Autres Brésils consacre une semaine de projections et de débats aux questions sociales et environnementales ainsi qu’aux droits de l’Homme dans le plus grand pays d’Amérique Latine. Du 4 au 10 juillet, à l’espace Confluences , plus de vingt-cinq documentaires seront projetés et sept grandes problématiques de la société brésilienne seront abordées : Enjeux de l’Amazonie, Dictature et résistance, La question des Noirs, Esclaves du travail, Droit à la terre et Mouvement des sans terre, Accès aux droits et Alternatives, avec, e...

Premiación del Concurso Huellas Digitales":Epa Escrevendo por Aí" de Daniel A. Rubio entre os finalistas

Ver sinopsis de vídeos seleccionados Realidad diversa y descarnada En una concurrida ceremonia, se realizó, en el Centro de Extensión de la PUC, la premiación del concurso de cortometrajes documentales Huellas Digitales, organizado por la Corporación Patrimonio Cultural de Chile, la Asociación de Documentalistas de Chile (Adoc) y, con el auspicio de Entel Internet. José Luis Sepúlveda de adjudicó el primer lugar con la obra Mano Armada. ...

Lula : la gestion de l’espoir /ARTE France

Lula : la gestion de l’espoir Documentaire de Gonzalo Arijon (France, 2005, 1h01mn) Coproduction : Dissidents, ARTE France Associated Producer in Brazil: Daniel A. Rubio À mi-parcours du mandat de Lula, quel bilan peut-on tirer de sa politique ? Un état des lieux en demi-teinte, où les contradictions flirtent avec l'espoir d'une vraie réforme. Depuis son élection à la présidence, il y a deux ans et demi, Lula a fait du Brésil un vaste chantier d’expérimentation sociale, économique et politique. Son pari : inverser le cours d’une histoire marquée par cinq cents ans de domination par les élites blanches. Quel bilan de sa politique peut-on tirer à mi-parcours de son mandat ? Pour mieux en cerner enjeux et résultats, Gonzalo Arijon retrace, à la manière d'un road movie, l'itinéraire du président : depuis son Pernambuc natal, jusqu’aux grands meetings de ...

Geraldo 1999 - Why did I lose my job?

Produced by Article Z for Madmundo Patrice Barrat Jon Alpert Luciana Burlamaqui Daniel A. Rubio 1. Geraldo, madmundo’s first character-citizen click here to see video In early 1999, Geraldo da Souza, a metal worker of the Sao Paulo Ford plant, received a poisoned Christmas gift: a letter stating he was fired from his job. Geraldo wants to know why and how this is possible... In december 1998, Geraldo da Souza, a Ford worker in São Paulo, lost his job. He wants to know why. That’s where madmundo stepped in to help him unravel the intricacies of the world of international finance. You can select any of the interventions on the right and see the interviews gathered by madmundo on their search for an answer. This investigation was carried out between January and December 1999... S 6. Lula, the 'Geraldo' who became President/ click here...


REALIDADE NÃO VIRTUAL Brasil-SP, 31 min, videoficção,2001 DANIEL A RUBIO | > Oficinas de prevenção de HIV-AIDS , onde jovens da periferia de São Paulo compartem experiências e com estas criam um roteiro. O resultado de estas oficinas e o vídeo “Realidade não virtual” a historia de dos jovens grafiteiros que muna noite de balada se enfrentam a importantes decisões sobre prevenção.No vídeo vemos obras de grafite, musicas de rap e a atuação dos personagens e feita por os próprios jovens.

Brazil's Land Revolution- On BBC

Brazil's Land Revolution Produced by:TVE Director:Chris Walker Producer in Brazil: Daniel A. Rubio Brazil is a rich country – it has the tenth largest economy in the world – but the distribution of wealth and land is badly skewed, with almost half of the agricultural land owned by just one per cent of the population. The Brazilian Government views this inequality as a primary cause of poverty and hunger, but until recently the pace of land reform has been slow. The government estimates that land reform would benefit some 4.5 million families - both agricultural workers and city slum-dwellers. Although the policy has been backed by successive governments, political opposition has so far prevented much meaningful progress. Now Brazil's President, Luiz Ignazio Lula da Silva, has announced plans to resettle more than 100,000 landless families this year, and promised an extra US$500 million towards agrarian reform over the next two years. And a recent initiative encourages the landl...

City life on BBC

Watch a QuickTime clip from City Life . You will need the free QuickTime plug-in. City Life Half of humanity today lives in cities. By 2030, that figure is set to increase to three out of every five people - drawn by dreams of prosperity and opportunity. But are cities really engines of progress? Or breeding grounds for crime, violence and disease? This summer, politicians from across the world will meet in New York to review progress since the United Nations City Summit in Istanbul five years ago. They'll debate how the cities of the 21st century should be run, what can be done to make them better places to live in - and how cities can share their prosperity with all their citizens, not just the elites. These are also the themes of this new series of Life. Sao Paulo is the world's fourth largest city, with a population of over 10 million. The city's new mayor is Marta Suplicy. On the streets they greet h...

Brazil: Winning Against AIDS- On BBC-World

Brazil: Winning Against AIDS Five years ago, the World Bank forecast that Brazil would have 1.2 million HIV-positive people by this year. The Brazilian government responded with a series of bold moves involving the health service and citizens groups across the nation. As a result, the actual number infected is believed to be only 600,000 - half what was forecast. At the heart of Brazil's success is its drug-distribution programme. HIV/AIDS sufferers in Brazil today get the same treatment as HIV/AIDS sufferers in the USA and Europe - the same, free 'triple cocktail' of anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs, the same clinical care, the same monitoring. So perhaps it's not surprising that Brazil's HIV/AIDS patients have proved just as capable of taking their medicines on time as Americans or Europeans (the failure rate is exactly the same for Los Angeles and Rio), and that since 1997 the Brazilian government's national HIV/AIDS programme has prove...