Geraldo 1999 - Why did I lose my job?

Produced by Article Z for Madmundo
Patrice Barrat
Jon Alpert
Luciana Burlamaqui
Daniel A. Rubio

1. Geraldo, madmundo’s first character-citizenclick here to see video

In early 1999, Geraldo da Souza, a metal worker of the Sao Paulo Ford plant, received a poisoned Christmas gift: a letter stating he was fired from his job. Geraldo wants to know why and how this is possible...

In december 1998, Geraldo da Souza, a Ford worker in São Paulo, lost his job. He wants to know why. That’s where madmundo stepped in to help him unravel the intricacies of the world of international finance.

You can select any of the interventions on the right and see the interviews gathered by madmundo on their search for an answer. This investigation was carried out between January and December 1999...

6. Lula, the 'Geraldo' who became President/click here to see video

This is stage in our investigation is quite special: This time, Geraldo is the reporter. He meets and interviews Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, a.k.a Lula, who became President of Brazil later on, in February 2003. Lula agreed to this private meeting with Geraldo, in order to explain the economic situation of Brazil.

8. Geraldo and Lula todayclick here to see video

For the first time, Geraldo is participating in an international conference:
the United Nations Conference on Trade and Agriculture that took place in Sao Paulo, last June. He gives us his impressions on this event and meets the President Lula for the third time, who is a very important invitee ..

Produced by

MAD MUNDO is at the core of globalisation - a web and TV format where a network of journalists and filmmakers help people understand what’s happening to them in this globalised world. Starting from the personal story, it investigates the wider context, and confronts those who are the decision-makers or who are part of the problem. In the course of the investigation the reporters, through the web and videoconferences, show everyone what they’ve uncovered. This is an educational and awareness-raising tool, and the audience can follow and take part in the progress of the investigation via the web, before the film is even shown on TV.


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