Trade Talking /Dialogos sobre Comercio

Trade Talking,
São histórias produzidas em seis paises diferentes e mostra os efeitos dos acordos entre paises em desenvolvimento com a Organização Mundial do Comercio. No Brasil mostramos o programa de Aids, modelo no mundo e apresentamos a luta para produzir genéricos e baixar o custo do tratamento.
Daniel A Rubio
Produção e Pesquisa: Laura Gianeccini/Débora Veríssimo
Consultoria: Teresa Otondo
Uma Produção
TVE –Londres
Instituto Imagem Viva-Brasil


Fatima’s recent check-up shows that both she and her baby are well. However, if she had been charged, she would not have been able to afford to pay for her treatment and subsequently, may not have survived her pregnancy.

Esta série esta sendo exibida em TV´s de Ásia, África, Brasil e na internet no site da Oxfam
Para ver as Histórias entre neste site:

Launch of TVE’s ‘Trade Talking’ series on the WTO trade talks on
TV stations across Asia, Africa and Brazil

21 July 2006: “Trade Talking” - a six part series produced by TVE in collaboration with Oxfam International and six TVE Partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America – starts broadcast across Africa, Asia and Latin America from Saturday July 22 onwards, and is already airing on TV stations in Indonesia and the Philippines. The six x five-minute films in the series focus on the imminent World Trade Organization talks in the Doha round and their potentially disastrous impact on developing countries’ economies.

With individual stories filmed by TVE’s Partners in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines and Zambia, the series aims to engage audience in developing countries in the WTO debate and increase public support for the trade ministers who have been pushing for a more equitable trade deal at the WTO (World Trade Organisation) meetings. Each film focuses on a specific industry or service crucial to a country’s economy – fisheries in Indonesia, rice in the Philippines, the garment and dairy industries now under threat in Zambia, Kenya and India respectively, drug manufacture in Brazil. If, warn developing country trade ministers and Oxfam International spokespeople, the EU and US now succeed in forcing developing countries to open up their markets to cheap, heavily subsidised imports of agricultural products and services, income streams that are critical to developing countries’ economies will deteriorate and die.

In the Brazilian film, Fatima describes how she’s been receiving free treatment for HIV which she contracted during a blood transfusion. Fatima, her first son and her second unborn baby are all in good health, thanks to Brazil’s internationally revered AIDS programme which provides free drug treatment to all its HIV sufferers. But if the final WTO agreement forces Brazil instead to buy expensive patented drugs from global pharmaceutical companies, Fatima – like the majority of her fellow citizens – won’t be able to afford the health care vital to her and her children’s survival. “If I had had to pay for the treatment,” she says, “I would be dead. I wouldn’t have my son or the life I have now”.

In India, Begum and her sister make a successful living from selling milk, produced by their four buffalo. But the new WTO deal on the table would wipe out their income – and India’s dairy industry as a whole. The WTO is urging India to open up its markets still further to imported goods, allowing the EU and US to flood India with cheap, heavily subsidised milk. The EU currently spends almost 15 billion Euros a year subsidising its dairy farmers, enabling Europe to supply vast quantities of low price dairy products – subsidies that India’s government cannot afford.

“Trade Talking” already being broadcast on Bali TV in Indonesia and on IBC Channel 13 in Philippines. From Saturday 22nd July the series will be broadcast on ZMBC in Zambia and on ZBC in Zimbabwe and from 24th July will reach audiences in Brazil, India and Kenya.

Individual films in the “Trade Talking” series were produced in collaboration with six of Partners from TVE’s Partner Networks in Asia & Pacific, Africa, and Latin America & the Caribbean:
Trade Talking Stories


Begum and her sister keep four buffalo whose milk provides a steady and reliable income. After joining India’s successful dairy co-operative two years ago the sisters have been earning a better living. Begum has been able to support her extended family, build a house and buy land.


Since the 1998 economic crash in South East Asia, Indonesia’s fishers have lost many of the subsidies that supported their industry, including fuel subsidies. Fishing boats can no longer afford to go far out to sea and therefore, crowd the inshore waters, rapidly depleting the fish population in this area.


Eight out of every 10 Kenyans make their living from the land. And local shoppers, such as Susan Kamau, are keen to buy home-grown produce. However, since the 1990s cheap dairy imports from Europe have flooded the Kenyan market. Susan, like the majority of other shoppers in Kenya, must buy imported dairy produce if she is to keep her shopping bill low.


Ka Tolits is a farmer from Nueva Ecija in the Philippines. He has been encouraging his fellow farmers to lobby their government to resist a bad deal at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in July. The WTO wants the Philippines to open up its rice markets to cheap, foreign imports. If this happens, local farmers will be ousted from their share of their own country’s market; the farming industry in the Philippines will decline and the country will be forced to rely on imports from other countries. The two million Filipino rice farmers who support themselves and their families will lose their livelihood, and Filipino rice crops will go to waste.


In the town of Kafue, Zambia, the major source of employment and industry was, up until recently, Kafue Textiles. But after Zambia was forced to open up its markets to outside competition in the early 1990s, the factory could no longer compete with a mass of cheap clothing imports.


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